Lady With A Unicorn

Lady With A Unicorn

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mini points to ponder...

1. When there are mini glasses of juice, why is the mini pitcher still full?
2. When making little pumpkins, why do people think bright orange color and evenly scored lines looks even remotely real?
3. Who decided that miniatures and toys are the same thing?
4. Why do well meaning folks buy me "little" things no matter how ridiculous and HUGE even when I've explained what I do many MANY times?
5.  Why do I think of silly thing about miniatures and ponder?!?

OK...I admit  I'm a little obsessed (ok...a lot) with miniatures.  What is it about these precious tiny treasures that captures me everytime? It's not lust the size, it's the true artistic value and attempt at realism that fascinates me.  It's the purposeful imperfection of a piece...the dead leaf on a plant, or scuffs on little shoes.

I've been hooked since childhood.
I can pick up any item...button...string...plastic clothing tags and automatically try to think of a  "mini" way to use it.  I suppose it's easier to hide my hoarding because these things are so small. (did I really say hoarding out loud?!?!?!)  Once in awhile I'll go through a box of these odd little things and get the same kick as I get when I look at old cards and letters.  They will bring me back to the time and place when I found it. I'll also come up with new ways to use it. 
I have come to a point, however, when I can not save every little string or bottle cap.  I don't save outrageous amounts of  multiples anymore either.
I feel that way about collecting my mini's as well.  Remember when you first started collecting? I don't know about you, but I had to buy EVERYTHING!! These days I've become much more selective, much to the relief of my checkbook.
Go dig out a little box of your own...see what it reminds you'll catch yourself either smiling or shaking your head.

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